Then, go up the platform in the middle with the flowing gust of wind again, jump off the edge, and let the wind blow you towards the platform with the altar on it.Next, drop and glide to the platform just a distance below the platform with the chest and make your way up the flight of stairs.Open the chest to obtain a Soldier’s Claymore. Once you are near the platform with the altar on it, immediately turn right and try to reach for the platform with the chest on it. After that, go up the platform in the middle that also has a flowing gust of wind, jump off the edge, and quickly whip out Link’s Paraglider.Then, go up the short flight of stairs on the left with the flowing gust of wind, jump on the edge and, again, quickly whip out the Paraglider and let the wind blow you to get to the distant platform on the other side.Next, drop down the platform and continue on the path.Then, jump on the edge of the platform and immediately press the X button to use the Paraglider and, with the help of the wind, glide to the other side and get to the chest.

Those with Breath of the Wild's Expansion Pass can obtain the mask as soon as they step outside the Great Plateau, so here's everything there is to know about getting it. One of these treasures happens to be Majora's Mask, which familiar fans will recognize as the primary antagonist in the Majora's Mask video game, a sequel to Ocarina of Time. This included the Trial of the Sword as well as several pieces of armor stored in EX Treasure Chests. In June 2017, BotW released its first wave of DLC. Updated on March 7, 2023, by Renri Seong: With Tears of the Kingdom set to release in 2023, some fans may be revisiting Breath of the Wild.

RELATED: Breath of the Wild: How to Find & Upgrade The Zora Set Here is how players can obtain the one-of-a-kind item. When wearing the item, Link is able to trick weaker monsters into thinking he is part of their clan, and the enemies will circle around him and welcome him into their pack. One of the most exciting items that came to Breath of the Wild as part of the DLC is Majora's Mask. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is full of endless hours of gameplay to keep players entertained well after the credits roll.